Hi there, I’m Mallie.

I have worn a lot of hats and taken on many labels since 2010.

Graduate student. Published scientist. Science communicator. PhD dropout.

Dog walker. Technical writer. Nanny and tutor to D.C.’s “One Percenter” families.

Entrepreneur. Editor. Business development consultant. Mental health advocate. Speaker.

Wife. Mother. Cat lady. Dog wrangler.


I’m one of those women who thinks she can have it all.

I use data to process what’s going on in the world and in my life.

I run a business that supports scientists in communicating their research clearly to their peers and to a general audience.

I write, I edit, and I mother.

And I still make time to tweet about reality TV, put out a newsletter from time-to-time, and focus on my physical and mental health.

If you’d like to work with me or learn more about my professional background, click here.
If you’d like to subscribe to my newsletter, click here.
And if you’d like to lurk on some of my social media, check out my Twitter or Instagram.